How Pinterest Can Help Homebuilders in Today’s Market

Is Pinterest the missing link in your digital strategy? As an image-based platform that features architecture, home décor, floor plans and do-it-yourself (DIY) projects for some of its most popular content, Pinterest is a natural tool for homebuilders. In fact, more than 56 million users are actively engaged with home content. And with Pinterest users on their smartphones and computers now more than ever, this means more time spent perusing pins.

For most businesses, a solid social media strategy begins with a blog as the hub for owned content, which can then be shared on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. But don’t forget about Pinterest for business!

Why should homebuilders use Pinterest?
According to Pinterest, U.S. consumers who are planning home renovations are four times more likely to use Pinterest over other social channels. And for those who are shopping for a new home, they are 1.6 times more likely to use Pinterest rather than another platform.

As a visual search engine, Pinterest allows users to discover new ideas and then pin them on virtual boards based on certain themes. This format is ideal for homebuilders because they can create boards based on the regions in which they build as well as home ideas and inspiration categories in line with their homes, like Rustic Ranch Homes, Pretty Porches or Dream Home Décor.

How can homebuilders use Pinterest to drive business?
Advertisers can reach more than 169 million people on Pinterest. Specifically, users who primarily use the search engine to find and shop for products make up nearly half of all U.S. Pinterest users. This is great news for homebuilders who want to advertise their homes on new channels.

Advertising on the Pinterest platform allows you to narrow your audience by interest and keyword parameters. With a solid strategy in place, Pinterest can be an effective brand awareness tool for homebuilders, and ultimately drive traffic to your company page and/or website.

Homebuilders can also leverage Pinterest to promote their homes by starting their own group boards, which may help build relationships and a more loyal following. The goal is to engage with people who feel inspired by what you post so they will follow you. Repin strong, aesthetically pleasing model images, floor plans and designs that pique people’s interest while elevating your brand visibility. The best results will come when you stay engaged, so interact with your audience through comments and pins.

Does this still apply in today’s market?
There has been an uptick in the number of users on Pinterest in the past few months, and they are all sharing ideas and supporting their communities. “Send a Pin” messages were up 34% in March 2020 alone. This is just one illustration of how important it is for homebuilders to have a presence on Pinterest during this global period of unknowns, as we all work together to find a new normal.

Pinterest Tips for Homebuilders:

  • Pin diverse, highly visual content. This could be anything from eye-catching infographics to beautifully staged model home photography, floor plans or videos.

  • Optimize for Pinterest by making at least 10% of the images on your website vertically oriented.

  • Name the files on your website correctly so they are searchable and track back to you when others pin from your site.

  • Add alt tags to describe the image, not the post. Not only are alt tags critical for SEO, but they also act as the caption that populates when someone pins an image from your website. This can be the difference between three and 300,000 people seeing your pin.

  • Make it easy for others to share the images from your website by installing a “Pin it” button, available on the Pinterest site. The more repins a piece of content has, the more likely it is to appear for search queries.