What the Heck is an Instant Experience and Why Should I Use It? Part 1

What is one of the most effective forms of Facebook advertising? The Instant Experience. Originally known as a Canvas Ad, Facebook’s Instant Experience is a full-screen mobile experience that can help you show your business offerings in an immersive, visually compelling way.

In this two-part article, we’ll dive into the details and perks of Facebook’s Instant Experience. First, we’ll break down the benefits of incorporating the Instant Experience into your social media strategy. Then, we’ll tell you exactly how to create your own kick-ass Instant Experience ad on Facebook.

Making the Case for Facebook’s Instant Experience
If you feel like a single-caption image, video or even carousel ad just doesn’t offer enough space for your brand story, Facebook’s Instant Experience is the perfect solution. A format that has multiple opportunities for including copy, photography and video in just one ad, Facebook’s Instant Experience ads offer a dynamic way to get creative with your storytelling. Like a good book, it draws you in, takes you on a journey and, ultimately, leaves you wanting more.

But that’s not all. We find the average view time for an Instant Experience ad to be just shy of 30 seconds, considerably longer than the average video view time of closer to six seconds. Create compelling content with strong CTAs in this format, and your audience is going to stay engaged with your brand longer, and they’ll click through to your website at a good rate, too.

In an Instant Experience, you can include multiple types of content from – single images to carousels to videos and tilt-to-pan images. If you can incorporate more than one type of format, do it. In our Instant Experience for Altis, a 55+ master-planned community, we did exactly that. We led with a compelling lifestyle video, included a carousel of model home photos and even included a tilt-to-pan image.

On top of its visual strengths, Facebook’s Instant Experience is also optimized for a seamless user experience with a loading time that’s 15 times faster than standard mobile web pages. It increases real engagement and drives real results. Plus, it’s easy to create and it allows you to get measurable data and insights about how your audience engaged with the ad. Another perk? You can re-target people who engaged with your Instant Experience in other Facebook ads you create.

Finding Your Brand Story and Telling It Well
The real key to creating a great Instant Experience is telling a great story. Before you get started, ask yourself: “What story do I want to tell about my brand? What experience do I want to create for my audience?” In the next part of this blog, we’ll tell you exactly how to create an Instant Experience that tells your brand story beautifully.

Want some help figuring out how to level up your social media strategy? Reach out to Barbara Wray at barbara@wickmarketing.com or (512) 479-9834.