How Do I Make an Instant Experience? Part 2

Thumb-stopping creative, seamless user experience, exceptional view times and web traffic are all reasons for considering Facebook’s Instant Experience in your social media strategy. Read more on why to use this ad type in Part 1 here and details on how to create your own Instant Experience, here:

Start with the End in Mind
The key to creating a high-performance Instant Experience is telling a great story, while providing a clear customer path to your desired actions. First, clarify your goals:

  • What story do I want to tell about my brand?
  • What experience do I want to create for my audience?
  • What action(s) do I want them to take?
  • What does success look like?

Collect and Evaluate Available Assets
You can include multiple types of content — from single images to carousels to videos and tilt-to-pan images. Do you have model photography, lifestyle photos or video, brand colors, textures and messaging to leverage? Ideally, you’ll use varied asset types and incorporate brand elements that help the customer make a connection to your brand.

Let Facebook Be Your Guide
Facebook makes building an Instant Experience pretty easy with their templates and step-by-step guide. Depending on your goals and KPIs, select a template that will provide the best user experience and encourage your audience to take the action(s) you want them to take.

  • Instant Storefront
  • Instant Form
  • Instant Customer Acquisition
  • Instant Storytelling
  • Instant Lookbook

Want your audience to buy products on the spot? Create an Instant Storefront. Want to get contact information from potential customers? Create an Instant Form. Explore your options, and decide which template makes sense for your goals before getting started.

Here’s One Approach That Works
Lifestyle is everything in 55+ community marketing, and Pardee Homes’ Altis is all about the attitude. In our Instant Experience for Altis, a 55+ master-planned community in Beaumont, Calif., we led with a compelling lifestyle video, and included a carousel of model home photos, as well as a tilt-to-pan image. Take a look!

We made sure both the lifestyle and the attitude showed up in the first lines of copy. Paired with a vibrant lifestyle video, the first chapter of this Instant Experience captures the audience’s attention and leaves them wanting more. Concise, impactful copy draws people in, and the brand colors, fonts and design create a consistent brand experience with what customers will encounter on the website and elsewhere.

Once you’ve introduced your brand, get specific about what you can offer your audience and what action you want them to take. You can do this by creating unique calls to action (CTA).

Drive the Desired Actions
Since you’re not limited to one CTA, get creative. Customize the buttons with CTAs that support your goals. For example, one button might take people to a move-in ready homes page, another to the design center or driving directions. Be clear, be specific and be sure that once the user clicks through, that the expectation created by the CTA is met.

Time to Tell Your Story
Now that you know how to create a winning Instant Experience, are you ready to craft one of your own? Remember, decide what story you want to tell and what actions you want people to take. Gather your best photos and videos, and then look to Facebook for their templates and step-by-step guide. Done right, the Instant Experience is an ad type that lets you write a book that your audience just won’t be able to put down.

Would you rather share your vision and direction, and have someone else craft a strategy and do the work for you? Reach out to Barbara Wray at or
(512) 479-9834.
We’d love to help.